Archive for March, 2012

March 31, 2012

for the next five days…

you can find me here…  

Photo courtesy of BVI Tourism

Lots more pictures to come!

March 30, 2012


Prepping for one trip, and booking another!

A much overdue Slow Idaho reunion in JuneTennessee, here we come!

September, 2007: Lake Norris, TN

March 29, 2012

“Are You a Collector?”

That’s what my daily email from J. Crew  read yesterday.

When it comes to something I love… Yes, actually, I am! 

I love to collect.  BDG jeans, Yves St. Laurent shoes, J. Crew chino shorts in every possible color under the sun, t-shirts, cashmere cardigans, tweed jackets, crisp blazers, and alas, J. Crew ballet flats.  When I find something I love, why waste my time on anything else?

As annoyed as I’ve been with these ballet flats recently (they’ve doubled in price within the past 3 years, they’re not as comfortable as they once were, the quality has gone downway down), there is one major plus – the colors are getting brighter and better.

How can I resist a ballet boutique?  I mean, really.

March 28, 2012

Brights to Write

It’s no mystery that I’m obsessed with anything bright, colorful and/or neon, so you can imagine how excited I was when I discovered these fun notebooks on Kate’s Paperie.

Then I read the fine print… the large notebook measures 5″ x 6.75″But they’re so pretty!

Fun journal to take on-the-go, perhaps?

March 27, 2012

passport… check!

March 26, 2012

Adore Floral

After swinging by ACME, which is now currently labeled the “hottest” restaurant in Manhattan (don’t go – don’t waste your timethis article is 100% true), I decided to take a stroll around the neighborhood and I stumbled upon Adore Floral Inc. 

And let me tell you that it is just that… adorable!

The floral arrangements were stunning and vibrant, and the scent of the space itself was captivating.  I wanted to bring each and every arrangement home with me (check out their website and you’ll see why).

They also have the best housewarming/hostess/Birthday/thank-you/just because gifts that don’t require any water or trimming… from candles to vases.

I only wish that it was in my neighborhood!



March 23, 2012

pretty, pretty pieces

Clockwise from upper left:

Shoshanna dress, Rebecca Taylor top, Milly dresses

March 22, 2012

Happy Birthday.

…to one of my absolute favorite people. 

I wanted to be just like him even then…Love you, Dad!

March 21, 2012


Finding a cute outdoor dining spot, tucked away from the noisy streets, is usually hard to come by in Manhattan, but August in the West Village gave us all that and more.

The rear part of the restaurant resembles that of a greenhouse, with a ceiling consisting solely of windows… and on a beautiful almost spring day, you can’t ask for anything more.

The perfect spot to reunite, laugh and gossip with an old college friend!

March 20, 2012

White Nights at Brasserie Pushkin
